Featured Project

Throughout her career in the arts, Paddy Johnson, a writer and now founder of VVrkshop, an organization that offers professional development services for mid-career artists, has observed a consistent, disheartening reality: incredibly talented artists creating work for audiences of virtually no one. As she puts it, “It felt crushing that there wasn’t enough prose in the world to bring these artists more attention.” This frustration reached its peak with Impractical Spaces, a collaborative national project, and anthology designed to document defunct and active artist-run projects across the United States. The ambition was substantial: engage fifty cities in fifty states and compile the results into a book charting the national significance of the artist-run scene.
On paper, the project fulfilled Johnson’s vision. “It brought people together, gave exposure to unsung artist heroes, and historicized events I believed needed historicizing,” she recalls.
The reality was far less fulfilling. Outside of the participants, very few people seemed interested in reading the books, and the project lacked a funding model that would make it sustainable. Yet, recognizing the project’s shortcomings sparked a new idea. Johnson realized that connecting people on a larger scale—across states, across disciplines—was not just necessary but possible. This led to the creation of membership for mid-career artists, Netvvrk.
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