Peggy Cyphers: Passages at The Front Room 

Featured exhibition
A painting of a mountain range

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Peggy Cyphers “Floating Passage” (2012-6) acrylic, sand, leafing on canvas 54”x50”

Peggy Cyphers’ exhibition at The Front Room Gallery in Hudson, titled Passages, integrates disparate painting traditions into abstract landscapes. The technique—fluid brush strokes combined with sand and paint pour—draws from Chinese landscape art, Native American traditions, and Postwar Abstraction. These paintings suggest the natural world’s fragility, mystery, and grandeur, recalling the upward gaze from the base of a canyon.

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Melanie Daniel at Mindy Solomon SHADOW WEAVING

Featured Artist

C:\Users\mdani\Pictures\All PAINTINGS\Mindy February 2023 SHADOW WEAVING\Edited Mindy Feb 2023\smaller shadow weaving\Melanie in studio February 2022 SM.jpg
Artist in studio, 2022

The oil paintings featured in Shadow Weaving, Melanie Daniel’s second solo show at Mindy Solomon, depict magical landscapes of forests, ponds, and their inhabitants—a moth, a pair of coyotes, a beetle, an occasional mystical spirits. The paintings begin for her as meditations and transform into fleeting environments—both hallucinatory and recognizable. The show runs through March 18th. 2023.

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